General conditions of use
General conditions are in accordance with the law on consumer protection and the law on personal data protection, valid in the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the EU.
Welcome to the website This document (together with the documents mentioned here) sets out the Terms of Use that govern the use of the website and buying products on it.
We invite you to before using the website pozorno pročitate ove uvjete korištenja, našu politiku kolačića i naše uvjete privatnosti. Pristupom na i korištenjem stranice obvezujete se poštivati ove uvjete korištenja i uvjete privatnosti te pristajete da se isti na Vas primjenjuju. Ukoliko niste suglasni s uvjetima korištenja i uvjetima privatnosti, nemojte se koristiti ovom internet stranicom.
Ovi uvjeti korištenja mogu se izmijeniti bez prethodne najave.
Vaša je odgovornost da ih redovito pročitate prilikom svakog korištenja internet stranice te kupnje proizvoda na njoj, jer se uvijek primjenjuju oni uvjeti korištenja koji su na snazi trenutku korištenja internet stranice ili narudžbe proizvoda.
Prodavatelj otklanja svaku odgovornost za sva sporna pitanja koja bi eventualno mogla proizaći iz razloga što posjetitelj stranice, korisnik i/ili kupac nije pročitao uvjete korištenja.
All materials, including the visual identity and content of the website www.ard-cosmetics ekskluzivno su pravo Ard natural cosmetics skincare centar j.d.o.o
Ulica Nikole Tesle 15 , Zagreb
OIB: 45788899434
It is forbidden to download, duplicate, change, publish, transmit, sell, display, process, delete, or include on other websites or media the content listed here for any commercial purposes, or exploit the content or visual identity of the website in any other way , osim iznimno kada je takva mogućnost predviđena ovim uvjetima korištenja ili je rezultat prethodnog pismenog odobrenja ard natural cosmetics.
The content published on this website may be copied only for non-commercial purposes and for individual use only, and with respect to all copyrights, other proprietary rights and any specified restrictions on rights.
Ovim uvjetima korištenja definira se odnos između posjetitelja stranice, kupaca i prodavatelja u odnosu na uvjete i način naručivanja proizvoda, cijene proizvoda, plaćanja, isporuke, kvalitete proizvoda, reklamacije, povrata i dostave i druga pitanja vezana uz korištenje internet stranice i online kupnje.
Na sva pitanja koja nisu regulirana uvjetima korištenja trade, the positive legislation of the Republic of Croatia applies, as well as other relevant international regulations.
Ovi uvjeti korištenja dio su obveze prodavatelja sukladno odredbama Zakona o zaštiti potrošača, te služe tome da kupac prije nego sklopi ugovor na daljinu bude na jasan i razumljiv način obaviješten o nizu okolnosti bitnih za zaključenje, izvršavanje, raskid ugovora, a sve sukladno zakonskom uređenju.
Ovi uvjeti korištenja, zajedno s podacima objavljenim na Internet stranici predstavljaju predugovornu obavijest, sukladno odredbama Zakona o zaštiti potrošača.
Unutar ovih uvjeta korištenja koriste se slijedeći pojmovi:
- – is a registered domain, a website and an owned webshop
Ard natural cosmetics skincare centar j.d.o.o , Ulica Nikole Tesle 15 , Zagreb OIB: 45788899434
- Seller: Ard natural cosmetics skincare centar j.d.o.o , Ulica Nikole Tesle 15 , Zagreb OIB: 45788899434
- Users:Kupci i Posjetitelji internet stranice zajedno
- The customer: a person who registers his personal data and orders at least one product offered on the website
- Site visitor: a person who accesses www.ard-cosmetics.comr and browses the product offer and page content without registration
- User data:e-mail address and password of the User, which allow only one User to access the protected areas of the Internet site
- Personal data: data about the registered Customer that enable the ordered products to be charged and delivered to the Customer
- Use: implies access to the page in order to obtain information about the content, offer, products and purchase of products
- Online shopping: purchase of products via
- Retail price: cijena koja je istaknuta uz svaki proizvod i izražena u eurima (EUR)
- Offer accepted: is the offer by which the payment was made;
- Transaction:payment or refund of the payment amount after the Seller has sold the product to the Buyer, using the services of a payment intermediary accepted by the Seller, by bank transfer, or in some other way allowed by the Seller, regardless of the delivery method.
- Purchase contract: Product purchase agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, which is concluded at the moment of confirmation of payment for the product, i.e. when the Buyer confirms the order and makes payment for it through the payment options offered in the web store.
By accepting these Terms of Use, the User expressly accepts that:
- The Seller cannot be held responsible for the User's behavior, and the risk of possible damage is entirely borne by the Service Users, in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia and the EU.
- Access to the website it may sometimes be unavailable due to works, maintenance or the introduction of new content and in cases of unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Seller, which the Seller will try to remedy as soon as possible.
- The seller is not responsible for technical problems that may lead to delays and/or incorrect processing of electronic data.
- The seller reserves the right to change or cancel any element, as well as the services it provides, and the content published by the user on, without prior approval or notification of the user.
- A user who notices a problem, injury, unacceptable content, etc. is obliged to inform the Seller at the e-mail address:
- The seller is not responsible in the event that data, images and other elements of the website violate someone's intellectual or copyright rights. If you think that a right of yours or a third party's right has been violated, please notify us by e-mail:
- The seller reserves the right to cancel unconfirmed user accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time.
- The seller removes all responsibility for all disputed issues that could possibly arise due to the fact that the Site Visitor, User and/or Buyer did not read the Terms of Use.
When using the website, the User undertakes not to use the website in any way that is against positive regulations and not to enter on the website or distribute via the website any content that are contrary to positive regulations, to change, delete or destroy any data on the Seller's website.
Product photos
Product photos shown on www.ard-cosmetics correspond to the actual appearance of the product. The seller especially points out that there may be deviations in the display of the product on the screen of the Site Visitor or User, due to the possibility of individual monitor settings, differences in the perception of colors as the person sees them on the screen, etc. of the delivered product is not a matter of a lack of product and thus is not a basis for returning the product.
The seller is released from any responsibility that may arise or is in any way related to the use of the Internet site, as well as for any damage to devices and data stored on the same that may occur to the User or any third party in connection with the use or abuse of use content page, and other cases for which the Seller is not responsible.
The services provided by the Seller as part of the online shopping service at do not include the costs incurred by Users using computer equipment and services to access the pages. The seller is not responsible for phone costs, Internet traffic or any other costs, nor is he responsible for any damage that may occur due to the interruption of the Internet connection when using the Online Shopping service.
Protection of children and business incompetent persons
Online shopping at is allowed only to persons of legal age and business ability. For minors and legally incompetent persons, the Contract can be concluded by their legal representatives. The seller bears no responsibility for any action contrary to this provision.
Online kupovinu Proizvoda moguće je izvršiti na području Republike Hrvatske i EU.
When using the website, users are obliged to provide accurate, valid and complete personal data, especially when filling out the registration form. The user is responsible for the completeness and truthfulness of the data entered during registration. Otherwise, the Seller is authorized to deny the user access to or use of the services he offers.
At the time of ordering an individual Product from the offer, the User, by agreeing to these Terms of Use, confirms that before entering into a sales contract (Pre-Contractual Notice) he has been informed about the main features of the product, the name and headquarters of the Seller, his telephone number, e-mail address, address of the place of business, address to which objections can be made, to the retail price of the goods, the cost and conditions of delivery of the order, payment conditions, methods of handling complaints, conditions, deadlines and the procedure for exercising the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement, the consumer's right to terminate a contract concluded via means of remote communication within 14 (fourteen) working days for termination of the contract, situations in which the consumer's right to terminate the contract is excluded, the costs of using the means of remote communication, the period in which the offer or price is valid and these Terms of Use.
When placing an order for the first time in the online store, it is necessary to register via an electronic form on the website and enter correct, valid and complete personal data.
By registering, the User gives the Seller explicit consent that, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act, it can process the User's personal data for the purposes of its own records, for the purposes of creating a customer database, informing about new products and services, promotions, and protecting the User's interests and preventing potential misuse. .
Registration or user account is created exclusively for one person and it is not allowed to share information about registration or user account with third parties. The user is obliged to keep the data on the user account and the password of the same. The seller considers each registration as a separate legal entity, and the use of someone else's registration or user account is not allowed.
The User is also responsible for all unauthorized activities authorized and performed under his username and/or password if he has not previously notified the Seller of the unauthorized use of his username and/or password (or any suspicion of the same).
Data can be changed after logging in, on the Personal page, where you can also view data on active orders.
Pre-contractual notices
In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection, the Seller shall inform the Buyer in a clear and comprehensible manner by delivering the Pre-Contractual Notice:
- about the main features of the product
- its name and seat, telephone number and e-mail address to which the consumer can address any complaints
- the retail price of the product and the costs of transportation, delivery or postal services
- terms of payment, terms of delivery of goods and the method of solving possible consumer complaints
- conditions, deadlines and the procedure for exercising the right to unilateral termination of the contract, as well as the form for unilateral termination of the contract
- that the consumer is obliged to bear the costs of returning the goods in the event that he exercises his right to unilaterally terminate the contract, that is, about the costs of returning the goods, in the event that the goods, due to their nature, cannot be returned by mail in the usual way in contracts concluded at a distance
- that the consumer cannot use the right to unilaterally terminate the contract in cases where this right is excluded, that is, about the assumptions under which the consumer loses the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.
By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, the Customer agrees that the confirmation of the pre-contractual notice will be delivered to him by electronic mail to the e-mail address he indicates as a contact when entering his order or by mail to his home address together with the delivery of the Product and the invoice.
- Card payment
Order overview
If any of the data is possibly not entered correctly, the User can go back to the step where he entered it and change it. After the User is convinced by a detailed check that all the entered data, quantities and products ordered are correct, he selects the "order" option.
When the order is successfully received by the Seller, the message "Order successfully received" is displayed to the Customer. An e-mail with order details will be sent to the User's e-mail address. In the event that an error occurs during the electronic processing of the order, the message "Unfortunately, the order failed" is displayed to the User. In this case, the order is not considered completed.
The invoice will be sent by e-mail to the Customer's address.
Impossibility of delivery
If one of the ordered products cannot be delivered, the Seller will contact the customer via e-mail and inform him of the aforementioned. The customer has the option to cancel the ordered product or request a replacement product. All other ordered products will be delivered to the Customer.
Sve iskazane cijene proizvoda i cijene dostave su maloprodajne, izražene su u eurima (EUR) .
U cijene proizvoda nisu uključeni troškovi dostave.
Prices, terms of payment and promotional offers are valid only at the time of order and/or payment. Prices for our products are subject to change without notice.
The entry of the price in the web store is carried out on several levels and is controlled in detail, but regardless of the high level of control, there is a possibility of an error. Such situations are extraordinary and for them we apologize in advance to our customers, who will be informed about the situation, the wrong price for a specific product, and the eventual impossibility of delivery according to the customer's specific order.
Price changes
Expressed prices are subject to change and any change will be timely recorded within the web store. The seller is authorized to change prices without prior notice.
Sales, promotional and promo sales
There will be sales, daily or weekly special sales for a single Product, a group of Products and/or for all Products within the web store. Prices, terms of payment and special offers are valid only at the time of order. In promotional sales, the sale of products that are on sale is limited.
In individual cases, due to high demand, it is possible that the Seller will not be able to deliver some of the ordered Products, or that some of the Products from the offer are completely or partially sold out. In the case of sold-out Products, the Buyer will be informed about this before the delivery of the goods by e-mail, and in this case the Seller bears no responsibility.
Through it is possible to purchase and deliver products on the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the EU. We deliver by hiring a reputable delivery service. Delivery is made to the address specified by the customer during purchase.
Within no later than 48 hours from the creation of the Sales Agreement (execution of the order in the web store), we will fill out the order to the delivery service with the exact location and contact information for picking up the goods.
We will pack the products adequately for the transport of the goods in order to prevent damage or reduction in the value of the contents during transport (putting the contents of the shipment in the appropriate packaging - wrapper, box, etc.).
Shipping prices
The delivery price depends on the delivery address of the order and depends on the weight of the package itself.
The delivery price is always shown separately and printed on the invoice. The Seller charges the Customer for the Product delivery service in accordance with the price list, and the delivery price includes product packaging.
The delivery price will be shown to the Customer after completing the order and selecting the delivery address.
The seller is not responsible for possible delays in delivery, damages and other obligations that are in the domain of the delivery service, but in agreement with them will provide top service for every customer.
In the event that the Buyer notices possible damage when taking over the goods, he is obliged to send the complaint to the delivery person on the spot and report it in writing to the Seller's e-mail address
Delivery to the customer
Each shipment is certified and signed by the Buyer upon receipt of the shipment. Pursuant to the provisions of the Obligatory Relations Act, upon verification of the delivery list by the recipient, it is considered that the shipment was delivered in an undamaged condition and after that the carrier is released from any subsequent liability. The sender will indicate the reference number of the accompanying documentation in the pick-up list, whereby the later signed delivery list with the reference number will be proof of the delivery.
Receipt of goods
During delivery, along with the purchased Product, the Customer receives all the documentation that accompanies the Product, the invoice and the receipt of the shipment, which he is obliged to sign, if there is no reason for a complaint. By signing the confirmation of receipt of the shipment, the Buyer confirms that he inspected the product when taking it over and that the Product was taken over without visible external damage, that it corresponds quantitatively and qualitatively to the products on the invoice, and that all documents were delivered with the products in accordance with legal regulations.
If, during the inspection of the delivered products, the Buyer found a reason for a complaint in the manner described above, the goods should be immediately complained to the delivery person, because the Seller will not accept complaints reported after the delivery of the delivered Products.
When picking up the delivered Product, the Buyer is obliged to inspect the delivered product, i.e. to check whether there are any visible external damages on the shipment and/or on the products themselves that are inside the shipment and immediately report them to the delivery worker, and refuse to pick up the delivered products on which they are visible damage.
If the product has a hidden defect that could not be detected during a normal inspection when picking up the item, which the customer discovers after opening the product - the customer has the right to unilateral termination of the contract and refund, replacement of the product, removal of the defect or price reduction.
Impossibility of delivery
If the Buyer or the authorized receiver is not at the delivery address at the time of delivery, the goods will be temporarily held at the post office or at the local/regional unit of the courier service, in which case the Buyer will be notified with the correct information and a telephone number where he can make an appointment the following delivery.
Wrongly delivered product
In cases where a product different from the one he purchased was delivered to the Customer, he has the right to deliver the ordered Product, and if this is not possible, the Customer has the right to a refund in the amount of the Product price paid, the delivery price and reimbursement of costs in the case of Product return, and is obliged to return the wrongly delivered Product.
Refusal to download
In the event that the Buyer does not take over the product or refuses to take over the product without a valid reason, the Seller reserves the right to demand compensation for the costs of manipulation, transport and other possible costs.
The customer can unilaterally terminate the Agreement within 14 (fourteen) days without giving a reason. The prerequisite for unilateral termination of the Agreement is that the product has not been used and that it is returned to the Seller in the identical condition in which it was received by the Buyer, in the original packaging, with the declaration and the corresponding invoice and documentation.
In order for the Customer to be able to exercise the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement, he must notify 'ard natural cosmetics of his decision to unilaterally terminate the Agreement before the expiry of the term, by an unequivocal statement sent by post (to 'ard natural cosmetics, Lastovska 2A, 10000 Zagreb) or by electronic mail to in which you will state your name, address, phone number or email address.
The deadline for unilateral termination of the Agreement is 14 (fourteen) days from the day when the goods that are the subject of the Agreement were handed over to the Buyer or a third party designated by the user, who is not the carrier.
In the event that the conditions for unilateral termination of the Agreement are fulfilled, the funds received from him, not including delivery costs, will be returned to him without delay, and no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the day when 'ard natural cosmetics receives the Customer's decision on unilateral termination of the Agreement.
The refund will be made in such a way that the User does not bear any costs in relation to the refund. 'ard natural cosmetics can refund the money only after the goods have been returned to it and examined in what condition they were returned, considering the fulfillment of the conditions for the right to unilateral termination of the Agreement.
The buyer is obliged to hand over the goods or send them to the address 'ard natural cosmetics, Lastovska 2A, Zagreb, without undue delay, and in any case no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the day when 'ard natural cosmetics sent its decision on unilateral termination of the Agreement. The direct costs of returning the goods are borne by the customer. Shipments sent by cash on delivery will not be collected.
Termination of the Agreement based on defective product
In the event that the reason for the return or replacement is a damaged or defective product, the replacement is at the expense of the Seller, and that is in the case that the Product was taken over without visible external damage during transport.
If the goods are damaged during collection from the delivery service and if the Buyer notices a reason for a complaint due to manipulation in the delivery, the goods should be immediately complained to the delivery person, because the Seller will not be able to accept complaints related to transport and delivery reported after the delivery of the delivered Products.
Changes to our privacy policy
In case of changes to our Terms of Use, we will notify you on this page and update the date of the change.
Ard natural cosmetics skincare centar j.d.o.o , Ulica Nikole Tesle 15 , Zagreb OIB: 45788899434
Račun: HR1024020061101244340
Erste Banka
E-mail address:
Info telefon: +385 95 7952 051