'ard perfect skin set

(5 customer reviews)



A great ally for an even and youthful complexion!


• for deep hydration and care of all skin types, including mature skin with the first signs of aging and skin prone to inflammatory processes and acne


•  ‘ard gel za umivanje sa kamilicom 200 ml

• 'ard scrub for face and lips in cream with chamomile 30 ml

•  ‘ard VM perfect skin & prirodni botox krema 30 ml


'ard perfect skin set sadrži tri visokokvalitetna i funkcionalna proizvoda :

  •  ‘ard gel za čišćenje kože lica 200 ml
  • ‘ard piling za lice i usne u kremi s kamilicom 30 ml
  • ‘ard VM vitamins & minerals krema za dubinsku hidrataciju i regeneraciju 30 ml

Ovaj set idealan je za njegu masne i kombinirane kože sklone upalnim procesima (aknama, miteserima isl.) i kožu s prvim znakovima starenja. ‘ard gel za čišćenje kože lica odlično je rješenje za uklanjanje svih nečistoća s kože, uključujući i make up. On je prvi korak u rutini i u jednom potezu čini kožu čistom i spremnom za daljnje korake!

‘ard piling za lice i usne u kremi s kamilicom uklonit će sve odumrle stanice kože te dubinski očistiti i pripremiti kožu za sljedeći korak rutine. Piling je idealan za obnovu umorne i oštećene kože, kao i za sprječavanje nastanka novih bora.

‘ard VM vitamins & minerals krema za dubinsku hidrataciju
It is a cream that contains vitamins A and B, minerals, zinc and copper and hyaluronic acid and easily restores the skin's balance, provides deep hydration and prevents inflammatory processes.

Ne koristiti VM kremu sa drugim proizvodima koji sadrže vitamin A (retinol), niacinamid i kiseline te bilo koje druge aktivne sastojke.
OČEKIVANI REZULTATI:Kremu je potrebno koristiti na čistoj koži lica, ujutro i navečer, idealno nakon ‘ard gela i u kombinaciji s ‘ard pilingom (1-2 puta tjedno).Prvi, vidljivi rezultati se mogu primijetiti unutar 15 dana od početka korištenja, a učinak je najbolje vidljiv nakon 3 – 6 mjeseci.Kod akni u početku korištenja kreme moguće je stvaranje upalnih procesa jer koža prolazi kroz regeneraciju, nakon čega dolazi do obnavljanja njezine barijere, smirivanja i postizanja očekivanih rezultata.Krema djeluje tako da potiče proizvodnju novih stanica, kolagena i elastina, stoga je sjajan saveznik zdrave i njegovane kože!

5 reviews for ‘ard perfect skin set

  1. Bright

    I have been using ard products for a year every day. The results are excellent, miraculous, everyone notices the change...

  2. Christina

    I've been using the set since the summer, I stopped using any other cosmetics. I like that it is based on the principles of simplicity and minimalism. Very small amounts are enough, and the effect is noticeable. I have a problem with acne and the set helps me in my daily care. The gel cleans the face brilliantly, if I have really heavy make-up, sometimes I need to fill my face a couple of times, otherwise it removes regular make-up very well. Peeling leaves a special feeling on the face, and the cream completes it. Behind the brand stands a very kind woman who is really dedicated and wants to help people use quality and harmonious care.

  3. Jasmine

    Fantastic gel, scrub and cream products.

  4. Measure

    1 set that replaced about 15 products for me. I've been using 'ard for a long time and I'm delighted ✨️

  5. Marijana

    After trying almost all cosmetic lines for acne, we came to Mrs. Katarina. My daughter has been using the gel, cream and scrub for 15 months and the results are really amazing. Not only are they a substitute for multiple products, but they are so simple and minimal... After the stages of acne breakouts and calming down, we got a beautiful complexion. There is really no need to say more, because actions speak louder than words.

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