Successful face hydration in the autumn period is often a big challenge. Autumn has arrived in its true form and just as it has its beautiful charms, it also brings certain challenges known to all of us when it comes to its facial skin! is often a big challenge. Autumn has arrived in its true form and just as it has its beautiful charms, it also brings certain challenges that we all know when it comes to facial skin care!
In this blog, we give you some tips on how to keep your facial skin moist using natural products.
Real skin care comes from within
Zašto je hidratacija važna?
Kako dolazi jesen, pravilna hidratacija postaje ključna za održavanje zdrave kože, budući da hladniji, suši zrak i grijanje u zatvorenom prostoru mogu izvući vlagu iz naše kože, čineći je osjetljivom na suhoću, iritacije, pa čak i prerano starenje. Hidratacija je temelj dobre rutine njege kože, a u jesen dobiva posebnu važnost jer našoj koži treba dodatna potpora kako bi se prilagodila sezonskim promjenama. Evo zašto je hidratacija ključna za zdravlje kože u jesen i kako kožu održati mekom, podatnom i otpornom.
Prevents dryness and flaking
Why is this important: As summer's glow fades, fall can sometimes make our skin look dull and without glow. Cold air, reduced sunlight and more time indoors can contribute to a tired, less radiant complexion.: Niže temperature i smanjena vlažnost u jesen dovode do sušeg zraka, koji izvlači vlagu iz kože. To može rezultirati suhim, ljuskavim mrljama, zatezanjem i nelagodom.
How hydration helps: Well-hydrated skin reflects light better, which naturally enhances radiance and gives the skin a radiant glow, where moisturizing creams are very important.: Održavanje hidratacije iznutra, u kombinaciji s hidratantnom rutinom njege kože, pomaže u održavanju ravnoteže vlažnosti vaše kože stabilnom, sprječavajući pojavu perutanja i grube teksture. Korištenje bogate hidratantne kreme s hidratantnim sastojcima poput hijaluronske kiseline može stvoriti zaštitni sloj koji pomaže u zadržavanju vlage.
Strengthens the skin barrier
Why is this important: As summer's glow fades, fall can sometimes make our skin look dull and without glow. Cold air, reduced sunlight and more time indoors can contribute to a tired, less radiant complexion.: Kožna barijera djeluje kao štit od iritansa iz okoliša, bakterija i zagađivača. Kada koža gubi vlažnost, barijera slabi, što dovodi do povećane osjetljivosti i otežava koži obranu.
How hydration helps: Well-hydrated skin reflects light better, which naturally enhances radiance and gives the skin a radiant glow, where moisturizing creams are very important.: Dobro hidratizirana koža ima jaču barijeru, koja može bolje zaštititi od sezonskih nadražaja poput vjetra i suhog zraka. Nanošenje hidratantne kreme sa sastojcima koji jačaju barijeru poput ceramida ili kamilice može pomoći u obnavljanju lipida, zadržavanju vlage i održavanju vaše kože otpornijom na promjene okoliša.
Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
Why is this important: As summer's glow fades, fall can sometimes make our skin look dull and without glow. Cold air, reduced sunlight and more time indoors can contribute to a tired, less radiant complexion.Why it matters: Dehydrated skin can make fine lines and wrinkles more pronounced. Without enough moisture, skin lacks elasticity, which can contribute to signs of premature aging. How hydration helps: Proper hydration fills skin cells, making the skin smoother and reducing the appearance of fine lines. Ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin draw water into the skin, increasing firmness and creating a plump, youthful appearance. Hydrating moisturizers with these ingredients can help skin look smoother and younger in the fall.
How hydration helps: Well-hydrated skin reflects light better, which naturally enhances radiance and gives the skin a radiant glow, where moisturizing creams are very important.: Pravilna hidratacija puni stanice kože, čineći kožu glatkijom i smanjujući pojavu finih bora. Sastojci poput hijaluronske kiseline i glicerina privlače vodu u kožu, povećavaju čvrstoću i stvaraju punašan, mladenački izgled. Hidratantne kreme s ovim sastojcima mogu pomoći da koža u jesen izgleda glatkije i mlađe.
Smiruje osjetljivost i smanjuje crvenilo
Why is this important: As summer's glow fades, fall can sometimes make our skin look dull and without glow. Cold air, reduced sunlight and more time indoors can contribute to a tired, less radiant complexion.: S hladnijim vremenom i povećanom izloženošću vjetru, koža je sklonija crvenilu, iritacijama i osjetljivosti. Jesen je posebno izazovna za one s osjetljivom kožom ili bolestima poput rosacee i ekcema.
How hydration helps: Well-hydrated skin reflects light better, which naturally enhances radiance and gives the skin a radiant glow, where moisturizing creams are very important.: Hidratacija umiruje osjetljivu kožu, smanjujući crvenilo i iritaciju. Nanošenje proizvoda s nježnim, hidratizirajućim sastojcima poput kamilice ili aloe vere nakon čišćenja može pružiti trenutačno olakšanje i ojačati sposobnost kože da izdrži vanjske stresore. Pijenje puno vode također pomaže u održavanju prirodne obrane kože iznutra prema van.
Improves skin radiance
Why is this important: As summer's glow fades, fall can sometimes make our skin look dull and without glow. Cold air, reduced sunlight and more time indoors can contribute to a tired, less radiant complexion.Why is this important: With colder weather and increased exposure to wind, skin is more prone to redness, irritation and sensitivity. Autumn is especially intended for those with sensitive skin or diseases such as rosacea and eczema. How hydration helps: hydration soothes sensitive skin, reducing redness and irritation. Applying products with gentle, hydrating ingredients like chamomile or aloe vera after cleansing can provide existing relief and strengthen the skin's ability to withstand stress. Drinking plenty of water also helps maintain the skin's natural defenses from the inside out.
How hydration helps: Well-hydrated skin reflects light better, which naturally enhances radiance and gives the skin a radiant glow, where moisturizing creams are very important.: Dobro hidratizirana koža bolje reflektira svjetlost, što prirodno pojačava blistavost i daje koži blistav sjaj pri čimu veliku važnost imaju hidratantne kreme.
Tips for increasing skin hydration in fall
Hydration products
Before applying moisturizer, start with a cleansing gel that does not dry out the skin and does not contain sulfates and that has soothing ingredients such as Roman chamomile hydrolate, which also contains glycerol, and red algae gel that protect the skin from external factors, and at the same time they do not dry out the skin. before applying moisturizer. Layered hydration helps lock in moisture and allows each product to enhance the performance of the next.
Use a humidifier indoors
Using a humidifier indoors can counteract this effect, helping to keep your skin more hydrated throughout the day and night.
The optimal result for your skin is obtained if you apply a moisturizing cream containing hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, collagen and elastin before going to bed. Thus, the skin will maintain its moisture throughout the day. hijaluronsku kiselinu, aloa veru, kolagen i elastin. Tako će koža održati svoju vlažnost i tijekom dana.
Opt for richer moisturizing creams
During fall, replace lighter lotions with richer creams or balms that provide longer-lasting hydration. Moisturizers with ingredients such as natural oils such as macadamia oil, triglycerides, provitamin B5, vitamin E, collagen and elastin offer deeper nutrition and support for the skin's barrier. ulje makadamije, trigliceridi, provitamin B5, vitamin E, kolagen m elastin nude dublju prehranu i potporu barijeri kože.
Also don't forget lip care. A great thing for this is an exfoliation based on cold-pressed macadamia oil full of vitamin E, which removes cracked areas and dead cells. Peeling can be used as needed and daily. piling na bazi hladno prešanog ulja makadamije prepunog vitamina E, koji uklanja ispucale dijelove i odumrle stanice. Piling se može koristiti po potrebi i svakodnevno.
Of course, if all this seems too complicated to you, opt for natural all-in-one products.
Stay hydrated from the inside
Drink plenty of water and eat hydrating foods like cucumbers, celery and citrus fruits. Herbal teas, such as chamomile and green tea, also offer hydration along with antioxidant benefits that promote skin health. krastavaca, celera m citrusa. Biljni čajevi, poput kamilice m zelenog čaja, isto tako nude hidrataciju zajedno s antioksidativnim prednostima koje promiču zdravlje kože.
As the weather gets colder, staying hydrated inside and out is key to maintaining a balanced, healthy complexion. Hydrated skin not only looks better, but is also stronger and better able to defend against the seasonal elements. By making these small adjustments to your fall skincare routine, you can ensure your skin stays soft, smooth and glowing all season long.
‘ard natural cosmetics